There is so much going on in the world of data today. BISS helps you keep track with this smart data pin board. Be sure to visit regularly.


Job vacancy: Postdoctoral Researcher with a focus on Ethics and Politics of Artificial Intelligence

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Job vacancy: PhD vacancy with a focus on ethical aspects in addressing societal challenges with AI

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Onder welk sociaal zekerheidsstelsel val jij als grenswerker?

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BISS & IBI launch uniform pension costs overview for participants

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Vergroot je eigen data-geletterdheid met BISS/BNR podcasts

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Key Takeaways from the BISS’ Session at the WiDS Conference 2021

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BISS takes part in the Brightlands AI-hub

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Job Vacancy: Front-End Developer With A Focus On Visual Design

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Video | AI4Law Webinar

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Winners of The Computable Award Talk about The Personal Health Train – Prof. André Dekker and Dr Johan van Soest

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BISS offers sessions in the Digital Strategy Week of The MaastrichtMBA

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Smart Customer Interactions: Opportunities and Pitfalls. Event Reflections

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Job Vacancy – FAIR Data Engineer

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Understanding Digital Readiness in Organisations

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BISS Takes Part in DKE and BSSC Collaboration

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Nomination for the Dutch Computable Awards

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Judith Kamalski appointed as Managing Director BISS

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Coping with stay-at-home orders: can resilience protect our wellbeing?¹

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Using Artificial Intelligence to fight the impact by COVID-19

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Embodiment: a virtual reality opportunity transforming bodies

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Opportunities and obstacles of emerging visualizing technologies in times of COVID19

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Bored with “home-workouts”? Try exergaming

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Augmented Reality: A means to manage a 1.5-meter economy? – Free Webinar

Augmented Reality: A means to manage a 1.5-meter economy? – Free Webinar

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Solidarity, Resilience and cooperation in a time of a pandemic: co-designing a brighter future

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What is Artificial Intelligence and what is its potential?

An interview with Dr. Mahdi Ebrahim, assistant professor at the Brightlands Institute for Smart Society. What is Artificial Intelligence and what is its potential? Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. Well known examples are autonomous cars or for example the chess playing computer. Did you know artificial intelligence isn’t that new; already in the 1950s the first AI program has been developed.

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BISS has joined the NewHoRRIzon project

BISS is in charge of the Social Lab "Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies"

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BISS and Q-Park

Working together on smart services for the mobility and parking sector

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Do algorithms help make healthcare better?

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Kick-off Fundamentals of data science

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Welcome aboard: Ous Haidar

Researcher ‘DataScience4Law’

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Science Plus and Smart Sailing

Smart Sailing = Maastricht University's Scientists + Smart Mobility Start-up Trapps Wise + a lot of data

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Science Plus and Tomorrow’s Life

Get to know us, check out the video!

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Mensen gaan liever naar de tandarts dan dat ze zich met pensioen bezighouden

Lisa Brüggen over het vergroten van interesse in pensioen

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Get a glimpse of Service Design Thinking

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Happy project team

Making progress in farming applications

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New Team of Principal Investigators for BISS

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