Exciting update on the PARTICIPATION project in which BISS is involved together with Maastricht University.

PARTICIPATION aims to identify future perspectives and trends of polarization, extremism, and radicalization through a participatory methodology that facilitates effective co-creation strategies for prevention by bringing together social actors, stakeholders and policy-makers.

BISS will take the lead in designing, and help to establish and manage 15 virtual Social Labs with religious communities, municipalities and the education sector. The Social Labs will contribute to implementing measures and mechanisms that recognize the importance of social inclusion and cooperation in addressing societal challenges like polarization and radicalization. Findings from qualitative and quantitative social science research about online radicalization and polarization will feed into the evidence base of the Social Labs.

Learn more about the project

BISS is committed to understanding how digitalisation is transforming our societies and how data science and digital technologies can be utilized to meet societal challenges.

Projects overview