BISS Theme Song
[Generated with help of AI | Gegenereerd met behulp van AI] (Verse 1) Welcome to the place where bright minds meet, At BISS, we innovate, we can't be beat. From ethics to AI, we're forging new ground, Interdisciplinary, where solutions are found. (Pre-Chorus) We're shaping the future with data and heart, Empowering the world, playing our part. (Chorus) At BISS, we're lighting up the way, For a smarter, brighter day. With AI and data, we'll find, A sustainable future for humankind. (Outro) Welcome to BISS, where bright minds unite, Shaping tomorrow with all of our might. A smarter, data-driven world to see, At BISS, we're making history. And don't forget, we love vlaai, Eating lots of them, oh my!

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